Did Schwantz do this?
Did Alvarez do this?
Did Madigan do this?
Did Alvarez do this?
Did Madigan do this?
Did Quinn do this?
Did Burke do this?
All I want is truth and honesty. Every one is trying to destroy me, because I want to save this country, this society, from certain death. Killing me, wiping me off the face of the earth, wont change a thing.
Did Burke do this?
All I want is truth and honesty. Every one is trying to destroy me, because I want to save this country, this society, from certain death. Killing me, wiping me off the face of the earth, wont change a thing.
I got more lawyers, cops, government agencies, looking at my blogs, figuring a way to shut me up. Without upsetting the corruption cart or throwing one of them selfs in jail. Like I AM THE PROBLEM? They are looking at the wrong person.
.I am not the enemy.
I'm trying to fix something, the only good thing that ever came out of Gov Quinn's mouth
"When I see something wrong, I roll up my sleeves and try to fix em"
Unless truthfulness, honesty, moral values, honor, respect, responsibility, love and kindness. comes back, this planet, this country, will self destruct.
This is not going to change a thing. I will continue to help (if possible) however/whoever I can. I will continue to give, love, share, be neighborly and maybe, just maybe, I will win. People may follow suite, wars might stop, killing might stop, people might start to love and respect each other.
The path of self destruction is not a good thing.
If you don't know what honor or moral values are..... look it up in the dictionary. It's a good thing.
This is not going to change a thing. I will continue to help (if possible) however/whoever I can. I will continue to give, love, share, be neighborly and maybe, just maybe, I will win. People may follow suite, wars might stop, killing might stop, people might start to love and respect each other.
The path of self destruction is not a good thing.
If you don't know what honor or moral values are..... look it up in the dictionary. It's a good thing.